See How You Can Transform Faster
Through the Power of Open Space

The smartest people in the room are your own people. So why should strategy be determined by only the top brass or an outside consultant?

Using principles of high performance and self-organization, Robert creates a game that lets the group focus on what they are most passionate about then follow up with recorded insights and action items.

Get this Experience for Your Team

What The Open Space Experience
Can Do For Your Team


  • Break down barriers between teams
  • Increase engagement & buy in across your organization
  • Create ownership of projects & increase accountability
  • Build systems to identify issues and reduce turnover
  • Establish a Culture working toward a singular mission & goal

case studies

The Online & Blended Learning division of Pearson had a classic challenge. The company was an acquisition, and while it was performing, energy was waning, and people did not feel like an integrated part of Pearson.

Watch how the whole company came together. Or read on to learn how this division became the top-performing culture in the company.

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ING brought leaders from several countries together, all to focus on their payments initiative. Robert Richman gave a keynote on culture and then facilitated the open space event. As you can see in the video, people got to choose and lead their topics and come together to solve critical issues. All while having fun.

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